
WildSkills EU: Tackling skills gap in the wildlife conservation sector (2020-1-UK203-078944)
2020-2022: Comissão Europeia – Programa Erasmus+ KA2

IBISurvey: Introduced Birds Interaction Survey (IUPB/05183/2020)
2020-2022: FCT/Financiamento Programático MED – Projetos Exploratórios

Data management and modeling for the Bird Directive Report and for the Portuguese Birds Red List (POSEUR-03-2215-FC-000093)
2018-2020: POSEUR/Alentejo2020

Data collection for the Bird Directive Report and for the Portuguese Birds Red List (POSEUR-03-2215-FC-000093)
2018-2020: POSEUR/Alentejo2020

Shoutout4SDGs: European Cooperation for Social Responsibility (2018-1-UK01-KA203-048036)
2018-2020: Erasmus+ KA2

Developing knowledge, policy recommendations and strengthening capacities on Water Management and Ecological security in the frame of the China Europe Water Platform Lot 1 (FR-2008-FFS-0301661769)
2018-2020: European Commission/Horizon 2020

Horizontal Activities Program under the PI-Supported China Europe Water Platform Lot 5 (DK-2009-EHX-1111328903)
2018-2020: European Commission/Horizon 2020

New tools for monitoring ecosystem services in traditional Alentejo production systems under intensification (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000008)
2018-2020: FEDER/Alentejo2020

ERBFacility – European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility (CA16224)
2017-2021: COST Action

LIFE LINES Linear infrastructure networks with ecological solutions (LIFE14 NAT/PT/001081)
2015-2020: Comissão Europeia/Programa LIFE 2014-2020

2016-2021: project LIFE15 CCA/PT/000043

Grupo Operacional UNDERCORK – Gestão Integrada da Cobrilha da Cortiça
2017-2022: PDR2020

Monitorização de aves na Companhia das Lezírias
2013-2017: Companhia das Lezírias

Monitorização da avifauna e promoção da disponibilidade de cavidades para aves insectívoras
2017-2018: ASFOALA Associação de Produtores Florestais do Alto Alentejo

Careers in Nature Conservation: innovative employability guidance for higher education students in the context of European biodiversity management
2015-2017 :: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership

Plano de Monitorização de Fauna na Linha do Sul, variante ferroviária entre a estação do Pinheiro e o km 94
2012-2015:: REFER-CBIO

Gestão da Intensidade de Pastoreio Face à Valorização do Montado como Sistema de Elevado Valor Natural
2012-2014:: QREN/INALENTEJO (ALENT-07-0224-FEDER-001744)

As Aves dos Jardins Gulbenkian: uma mais-valia natural
2012-2013 :: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Manual de boas práticas de gestão do montado para as Aves
2012-2013 :: QREN/INALENTEJO 2007-2013 / Câmara Municipal de Coruche

Atlas das Aves Invernantes e Migradoras de Portugal
2011-2013 :: Fundo EDP para a Biodiversidade

Manual of good management practices of montados for birds
2012-2013 :: QREN/INALENTEJO 2007-2013 / Municipality of Coruche

Portugal Wintering and Migratory Bird Atlas
2011-2013 :: EDP Biodiversity Fund

2011-2013 :: Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation

Impacts of forest and livestock management and the increase of nesting cavities on bird diversity: a potential for forest plagues control
2008-2012 :: Companhia das Lezírias S.A., Business & Biodiversity Initiative

Improvement and rehabilitation of temporary watercourses: enhancement of biodiversity in ‘montados’
2008-2012 :: Companhia das Lezírias S.A., Business & Biodiversity Initiative

TYTOTAGUS: Barn Owl postnatal dispersal in the Tagus Valley
2008-2012 :: Companhia das Lezírias S.A., Business & Biodiversity Initiative
TytoTagus website

ECOMEDBIRDS: enhancement of biodiversity in mediterranean ecosystems: Birds as bioindicators of rural management actions and landscape structure
2009-2011 :: QREN/INALENTEJO 2007-2013 (ALENT-04-0331-FEDER000205)

AVISKOLA: the birdfauna of Alentejo in a flight over the conservation of ecosystems
2006-2008 :: POCI2010 – Agência Ciência Viva

RIPIDURABLE: sustained management of riparian corridors
2005-2007 :: INTERREG IIIC – South Zone

The Monfurado Mountain: conservation and enhancement of its natural heritage – Fauna
2003-2005 :: European Commission (PORA Program) – CCDR Alentejo

A  Study of  the  bio-ecology  of  the  Little Bustard  Tetrax tetrax during the breeding season at  the  Site of  Community Importance of Cabrela
1st Phase:2002-2004; 2nd Phase: 2005-2006 :: European Commission (PORA Program) – CCDR Alentejo

LIFE Nature: Natura 2000 Network in the Setúbal Peninsula – Sado
2000-2003 :: European Commission (B4-3200/98/499)